Monday, March 24, 2008


On Friday I said goodbye to almost a third of our team. They had all put in their year (all three military reserve or guard component). It still amazes me how well people cope with this kind of a disruption in their lives. Two of the guys (yes, they were all men - only two women on the PRT when I arrived - more later on that)were in their late fifties/early sixties, and the other about my age (a couple of years older). Two light-Colonels (next promotion full-birds) and an E-8 (Master Sergeant). For those not familiar with military rank, these are career people. And because they also have lives in the "real" world (although it's hard to get more real then when you're dodging bullets and bombs/bombers), they bring the experience of their specialization to the table as well. Very valuable people. One has a background in banking, the other is a trial attorney, and the last was a administrator for a city council in Virginia. Here those specializations translate into finance, law, and governance. Very applicable. All three of these individuals volunteered for this duty. Granted, they made a little more money by serving in a combat zone (hazardous duty), and I believe they wont have to worry about taxes for the income made during this tour, however, their only break was a 14 day R&R about half-way through the year=long tour. Don't think you'll ever read this, but thank you Jay, Morris, and Emery. Safe travels and hope to run into you down the road again someday...Cip


KrisWill&Kids said...

Hi Cip,

Happy Easter! Thanks for the update. Sounds like these guys were very valuable in the overal mission over there. Hope all is well for you over there, we think about you often. God Bless and watch over you.

Kris and crew.

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter your way as well! Too bad we can't carry the excitement of this season throughout the year...I went with some of the guys from the neighboring PRT [they are Provincial (all of Anbar) in scope we cover just the municipality (City of Ramadi)] to a sunrise service on the other side of the post. Nice service led by a Mormon Chaplain, which is about as non-denominational as you can get! So far we've only received one replacement or "backfill" for these positions, so will have to do without for the time being...Love you guys and cant wait to play some cards and shoot the breeze without having to worry about spell-checks! Cip

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter!! I have enjoyed reading your happenings on the web. However it looks like you won't be able to join us for the patio this year. We will keep your green chair warm. We will have one (or a few) for you on the patio.

Just wanted to let you all know we miss you here in Dubuque and think of you often.

Keep safe Cip

Dawn I noticed I am missing a sign. I need one to say Opening Soon for the Season. :) Hope you and the kids can come down for a few on the patio...

The Whaleys

Anonymous said...

Yo Bro!
A full year with one break sounds like too long a term w/o the everyday conveniences, like supermarkets, your own car, . . safety . .
Hope things smoothen out you can get that happy inside feeling from making a difference :)
