Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Another Planet

Hello, Hello,

The dust kicked up big time today. We were in Ramadi at a meeting when the sky started turning orange. It does this every once in a while. It's like those movies that have people living and working on Mars. Really feels like another planet sometimes. Good news is typically this means the temp drops a few degrees. It's pretty much been 100+ this week, but today must have dropped down into the eighties.

Ya, the excitement is picking up here a bit with the Brigade leaving and more pressure being put on the bad guys in other parts of the country. Path of least resistance. I believe the Provincial team next door will be standing down for the weekend, however, I don't believe that will be the case for us. Everyone is definitely paying more attention to movements and security. We have fresh Marines watching over us, so don't believe they will let us down.

Glad to here everyone is doing good. So am I. I've got more things to read than I will ever get around to and have movies stacking up as well. Nights have been getting later since the new Team Leader arrived (just trying to get him up to speed). Plus I have three new team members to train in, so the work goes on...

Monday, April 21, 2008


For those of you who don't know---Amanda W-- my mailing address is
Dawn Jungberg
PO Box 373
Towner ND 58788

So things are going good. The house is coming along. We are still not in the house. Soon... The kids are ready for school to be out and summer to be here.
Not much else happens in Towner, so nothing new to report.
The report on Cip is that he is safe. Can't wait for him to come home and spend time with the fam. And play some cards.... He is putting in alot of overtime, working very long days, with very little time off.
So I will type more later when I find the time. LOL!!!!!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Imagine you are in a development office for a medium size city with a staff of less than ten people. Now imagine a state-wide development office located right next door with around 50 employees. Now imagine the city police commissioner sending 40 of his most qualified troops to support your development effort, meanwhile the state law enforcement office takes over the primary task of economic development in the state development office.

Welcome to the "Civilian surge" - minus the civilians...Last week we finalized our agreement with our new partner in crime - Task Force Ramadi. This is a curious bunch of 0-5s and 0-6s (approximately 50 of them) who's main task is taking over the management and daily operations of Camp Ramadi in the wake of First Brigade's departure. They hold down the fort until RCT1 (Regimental Combat Team One) of the First Marines Expeditionary Force (1st MEF) is ready to assume these responsibilities.

For the ePRT, this means my economic team went from one (me) to four! This has actually been a very welcomed event for me, however, others are a little put off by the pure numbers. My only concern is that when they leave in September, the volume of projects may exceed my capacity for adequate monitoring and follow-up...