Sunday, March 16, 2008

Chow Hall

Made it to breakfast today. Once or twice a week is all I'm averaging. Its a bit of a hike, especially if the ground (fine dirt/clay) is moist (smaller more sure steps). On the off days, we tied our hunger until noon with poptarts or fruit acquired during the previous day's meal(s). Snacks are available at the Post/Base Exchange (mini-Pamida). If you have access to a microwave, you can also buy dinners and such at the P/BX. The chow hall (DFAC-havent bothered to figure out what it stands for in military terms) typically offers "main line" or "short order" options for both the noon and evening meals. Main line might be fish, chicken or beef dishes and sides, while short order is hot/corn dogs, burgers, fries/onion rings. There's also a pretty impressive salad bar with a large assortment of condiments. So there's really nothing to complain about concerning availability or variety of food considering we are "camping," if you will. In fact, even have a Subway (small - runs out of food all the time - last time I checked the only meat options were crab and tunafish), a Greenbean Coffee House (trailer), and Burger King is suppose to be on the way...The Americans have definitely arrived!

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